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Blood Orange Possets with Coconut Mascarpone, Candied Orange Peel and Thyme

Makes 5 ramekins


Blood Orange Posset

600ml double cream

250g caster sugar

Juice of 2 blood oranges

Zest of 3 blood oranges

Coconut Mascarpone

250g mascarpone

75g desiccated coconut

1 tsp coconut flavouring


5 tsp candied orange peel

Fresh thyme


- Add the double cream into a saucepan along with the sugar and simmer gently on a low heat until the sugar has melted

- Add in the blood orange juice and zest and stir

- Divide the mixture between 5 ramekins and refrigerate for 2-3 hours minimum

- For the coconut mascarpone, add desiccated coconut, coconut flavouring and mascarpone into a bowl and whisk until combined

- Add the coconut mascarpone into a piping bag

- Remove the ramekins from the fridge and top with the candied orange peel, coconut mascarpone and fresh thyme leaves

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